Thursday, February 16, 2006

Plastic bags...don't leave home without 'em!

So...I get Emma up from her nap to feed her right before lunch. My plan is to feed her then go to the grocery store. I realize that I haven't eaten lunch and don't want to take the time to do so before going to the store, but know I shouldn't go hungry. I decide to go through the McDonald's drive through and eat in the car on the way to the grocery store. As we are driving to McDonald's, I hear what any mommy hates to hear while their baby is sitting in the car seat in a diaper that is probably too small. I'm in the drive through line and realize Emma is not going to wait (and neither is my sniffer!)...I pull out of the line and pull into a parking space. I get her out of the car seat and my fear is realized! Needless to say, I don't think she (or any other baby, for that matter) will be wearing that outfit again! Oh how I wish I had packed a plastic bag (or two) in the diaper bag! I also wish I hadn't put her in a generic diaper that was really too small. Thank goodness there was an extra set of clothes!! The grocery store will have to wait... The joys (or not so joys in this case) of mommyhood!

And as I finished this post, I realized that the middle button of my shirt is missing...wonder how long it's been gone?


Unknown said...

Also, you need to always have plastic bags with you because Kelly will probably ask you for one at church.

As for the button, "nobody should have been looking there anyway!"


Anonymous said...

Oh, the joys of motherhood! And when they are older, barf bags (with no holes) are also a must. I send those home with mothers on nearly a daily basis lately.