Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ezekiel 36-37

This morning I read about the valley of dry bones and how the Lord came to Ezekiel and told him to prophesy to these bones. Ezekiel did and the bones were brought together and sinews attached the bones together and flesh and skin wrapped around the bones. However, there was still no life. They looked like people, but there was no life in them. We are like that until the Lord breathes life into us. We don’t cause ourselves to be given life. We have no capabilities to gain life, but life is only from the Lord. Verse 10 then says that the Lord caused breath to come into them and they lived. I feel like I’ve been traveling through a valley of dry bones over the last 90 days at work. With the Lord as a guide, I hope to voice some concerns to my director today and tomorrow.

Lord, cause me to live, by breathing into me your grace and mercy. Father, cause me to be thankful for the life-giving breath that you have given me and cause me to respond to you in obedience and worship.

Jonathan Kelly