Wednesday, November 22, 2006


The day we celebrate all the things we we are thankful for is upon us. Tomorrow we will all get up early, put the turkey in the oven and get all the other dishes cooked and ready for our meal. Before all the hustle and bustle of the day begins, I'd like to take a few mintues to say what I'm most thankful for this year:

1. My salvation and the abundant grace and mercy given me to me daily by our Heavenly Father

2. My wonderful and ever so patient husband

3. Our beautiful and healthy daughter, Emma

4. Wonderful friends

5. God's constant provision in our lives

6. A house to live in and care for

7. Our families

8. Friendly neighbors

9. An air conditioner in the summer

10. A heater in the winter

11. A church family who loves us and encourages us

12. A job for Jonathan

13. 2 cars that run and have given us little problems

...and the list goes on. I'll try to add to this list as things come to mind and as I have time. We are on our way to VA to be with Jonathan's parents and grandmother who flew in from TX yesterday.

Happy thanksgiving to all of you. May you also remember the things you are thankful for this year. How gracious and merciful God is to us!

I stand Amazed
by Dennis Jernigan

I see the stars that You have made
I know You call them all by name!
To think Father God
Whom heaven displays
Is thinking of me in intimate ways!

I stand amazed in all of Your glory!
That you would die for me -
I stand amazed!
I stand amazed in all of Your glory
True Love's sweetest story!
I stand amazed

I see the nails piercing Your skin
My wicked heart driving them in
I see the spear piercing Your side
I see the Lamb for me crucified !

I stand amazed at all of Your ways
Me, worthy of death -
You, worthy of praise!
While yet in my sine You died for me!
My God, I will parise you eternally!

For this is what I'm most thankful for this year!

What are you thankful for this year??

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

60th birthday celebration...

This weekend we traveled to VA to surprise Jonathan's dad for his birthday. Barbara ended up having to tell him that we were coming. :-) But Steve coming was still a total surprise. Barabra had also invited some couples from their Bible study to come over and Pete was VERY surprised. We had a great time. Of course, Emma thought all the people were there to see her and that they were singing to her! :-) Thanks Pete and Barbara for a wonderful weekend and for the gifts you sent home with us! They are much appreciated!

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