Saturday, March 12, 2011

Grace notes...

Jonathan and I were able to get a babysitter last night and see some live music at our church. Our pastor is a really talented song writer and musician. He opened for Bill Mallonee, who was the lead singer for Vigilantes of Love until 2003. We had such a great time! It's been a LONG time since we have been able to hear live music like that. And it was AWESOME!! Bill and his wife Muriah-Rose, tour together. She sang a song last night called "Grace Notes". You can listen to it here. The song inspired me to try to take my own Grace Notes. I thought if I was able to blog from my phone that I might be more consistent. So here's to trying! Ha! I don't what the format will look like, but here's the first one.

Last night as we were leaving, I put my leather jacket on. I haven't worn it since we moved to Columbus. As we are walking out the door, Emma asks, "Is that your date coat?" I love that girl!

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