Tuesday, February 28, 2006



This morning I read in Haggai about his encouragement and rebuke of the people during the rebuilding of the temple. What a huge and monumental task! There was so much to do and because of the exile, they had much fewer resources than during the reign of David and Solomon. We need this encouragement/rebuke from time to time. We become complacent with our lot in life and we begin to lose traction in life. Lord, may you use brother and sisters in Christ to sharpen us and keep our hearts and minds on you and your kingdom. Lord help us to be sacrificial in our giving and in our service to you so that you name may be magnified and glorified throughout the earth.

Most of all, Lord don’t let us complain when we serve you. Cause us to take risks in our relationships for the advancement of your kingdom. Cause us to be bold both when we serve you and give testimony to you and your name.