Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Yes, I'm still committed....

I've not forgotten that I said I was re-joining the blogging world. :-) If I could find the camera, I'd take a picture of all the boxes that I'm currently surrounded by. This past weekend we moved into a new house. We had only been in the other house for a year, but we were renting and we are now home owners in Ohio! (Yes, for those of you keeping tabs, we are now home owners in 2 states. But we'd prefer to just own the one in Ohio. So if you're interested in buying a house in Charlotte, NC, let me know!)

Moving with 3 small children, with one of them being an infant, was as difficult as I thought it would be. Or maybe I should say it IS as hard as I thought it would be. Until we are mostly unpacked, I'd say we are still moving. It wouldn't have been my first choice to move right now, but it is what it is. And the Lord knows what He's doing. As hard as it's been, I really feel like the house we got is going to be great! And we wouldn't have gotten it if things had been different.

It seems like the whole house situation has been consuming me since about March. But other things have been going on that I don't want to forget.

Emma finished her first year of pre-school in May. She will be old enough to go to kindergarten this year, but we are holding her back one year. With a September birthday, she would be the youngest in her class. I think she would be fine going to kindergarten, but I want her to be better than fine. :-) She also just finished her first set of real swim lessons. And I have to say that I was really impressed!! She went from not wanting to put her face in the water to swimming underwater in just 6 short weeks! In 3 weeks she goes back to pre-school. She will be going 4 days a week this year. I have this picture in my head of my body standing in the middle of a field. Time is whisking by me so fast that I have a difficult time just standing there, but my body can't move to catch up. It goes by so fast, doesn't it?!

Kate has turned into quite the 2 year old. :-) Everyday, I keep asking myself what happened to my sweet Kate. LOL! She is still pretty sweet, but she is definitely showing her independence. She patiently sat on the side of the pool with me while Emma had her lessons. I tried to let her swim a couple time a week. I think she loves the water more than Emma. She'll stay home with me another year and start pre-school when Emma starts kindergarten. I'm looking forward to some time with just her and Jane.

Jane. What to say about that sweet girl?! She is 10 weeks old today. Again - the image of me standing in the field... She had her 2 month check up yesterday. She weighed 10 pounds 1 oz and is in the 45th percentile. WHAT?! I've never had a child in the 25th percentile, much less 45th for weight!! :-) She's started to smile and coo and even laugh a little. She loves the swing and just looks up at the seat and just smiles and even kind of laughs. Out of the last 7 nights, she has slept all night 5. Last night there was a HUGE storm with lots of lightening and some of the loudest thunder I've heard in a long time. It woke her up and she couldn't get herself back to sleep, so really last night doesn't count in the number of nights she's slept all night! ;-)

Well, this post is much longer than I intended it to be! I should get back to unpacking..........


mommytodd said...

Unpacking is not fun. Hope it goes quickly.

Unknown said...

The house looks great. I flipped through your pics on facebook the other day. Very homey :-)

Anonymous said...

A little girl in the 45th percentile??? Wow! So hard to believe after the tiny other two.

Moving IS hard with three little ones. But wait until you are over 60 and the motivation goes out the door! Ugh! We may be permantly planted!!!

Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

How is your youngest doing with the brachial cleft? (I thought I had gotten back to you after your comment on my blog in June but I apologize, I don't think I did!)

nicole said...

Andrea - She is doing fine. No more infections and the ENT just wants to see her again in a year. He is not suggesting surgery right now since she is so young and we are seemingly having no problems. So, I guess we just wait and see. It does have a very small amount of mucus leakage, but really only when I mess with it... :-) I can't imagine my little girl living with this all of her life, but right now we will just be patient and see what it does. Thanks for following up with me!