Thursday, May 22, 2008

My sin...

I am reminded today how very short life can be. Last night Steven Curtis Chapman and his wife lost their 5 year old daughter to a tragic accident. Today I've been so frustrated with my life curcumstances and have failed to see the beauty of my children. Thank you Father for the gifts you've given me in these 2 beautiful little girls. Forgive me for the lack of patience I have with them most days. My selfish heart often gets in the way of letting a 2 year old be a little girl. Who cares that she wants to wear two pair of socks during nap time? Does it really matter that she takes her shoes off EVERY time we get in the car? What's the real harm in mixing all the Play Dough colors? Does one little wipe cost so much that she can't have one to "help clean"? Is there really a scientific amount of ranch dressing that is too much? And the list goes on...I have to learn to lighten up and let my children be kids and ENJOY them.


Anonymous said...

I am crying...for several reasons...loss, joy, and just plain hope you can keep your treasures in your heart...we so easily get distracted. ...the only thing that lasts are memories, never mind the junk in between...keep making memories and treasure every day with those sweet girls.

Marc & Amy said...

Wow. I LOVED this post. Beautifully said. I need to print it out and stick it to my mirror or something... :)