Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Great Hair Dilemma...

And yes I capitalized the title because it will go down in history and everyone will read about it and remember the day Nicole HATED her haircut! Does it look horrible? Probably not. Was it a bad cut? Probably not. But it wasn't what I at least thought I had asked for. For the first time in a LONG time, I almost cried in the chair. I kept seeing all this hair fall to the ground and I kept telling myself it was just hair, but that wasn't (and somehow still isn't) very comforting. I've felt a little guilty feeling so sad about my bad haircut. And I know I should just get over it. I mean it is only hair afterall. I guess the major problem is that I have not lost much of the weight I gained when I was pregnant and I'm feeling very fat and ugly. The only thing I did like at the moment was my hair. Whew...I feel better even just typing all that! LOL! Isn't funny how free we feel after writing? I used to have this English teacher (I think her name was McConnell or something like that... ;) ) who made us journal everyday and turn it in at the end of the week. As I reflect back on those days, I think about those journals and often ask myself why I don't do it more. Maybe I will...


Nicole said...

Your blog IS your journal!!! You just can't say anything bad about anybody!! <----- then it wouldn't really be a journal then would it? ;)

Anonymous said...

Honey, you are beautiful! You are not only beautiful physically,(people always say you look like Natalie Wood) you are even more beautiful spiritually.

I have always wanted your know the kind you can flip with your hand and push back with sun shades.

Ilove you! Oh yeah...that English teacher probably knew something about the importance of venting feelings!

Anonymous said...

Go ahead, ask around. I bet you're the only one that thinks you're fat...and ugly? Are you kidding with ugly? I'll just skip right over that because you HAVE to be kidding.

I know a thing or two about getting AND giving bad cuts. Lucky for all of us, our locks will grow back. I only WISH I were as 'ugly' as you. Poor thing (I'm rolling my eyes at you)! ;)