Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Zech 1-3 and Matt 26:20-35


This morning I read of Zechariah and his visions of a horseman, a man with a measuring line, and Joshua as the High Priest. Zechariah also makes another call to the nation for them to return to the Lord. The Lord says for them to not be like their fathers who followed evil, but to turn to the Lord and do what is right. Honestly, I had a tough time with the scripture this morning. I really didn’t get a lot out of the text. Usually, when I read something just jumps out at me, but this morning there was nothing. Perhaps it will come to me later in the day.

I also read in Matthew (26:20-35) about Judas betraying Jesus and Peter saying that he would not fall away from Jesus. What could have been the response when Judas asked ‘will it be I’ and Jesus saying ‘you have said so’? The room must have been very quiet. Jesus then says that they would all fall away and even though Peter says he would give his life for Christ, he didn’t.

Lord, enable me to hold fast to your word and help me to have the faith of these saints. Help me to look back at their example, and when necessary learn from their mistakes to bring exceeding glory to your name!