Tuesday, October 17, 2006


We met some friends at a local farm on Saturday to pick pumpkins. I learned once we got out there, that their pimpkins were not quite ready and they had brought some in and placed them out in the patch. I never would have known otherwise! We had such a great time. I hope this will become and annual tradition with our friends! I had aspirations of great fall pictures of Emma, but I have an avtive toddler! She is only still when she's sleeping! Most of the pictures I got of her are blurry or are the back of her head. She's constantly on the move! You can see a few more picutres on her blog.

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Lisa said...

That reminds me of the time we all went out to pick strawberries, but little Emma had to stay in her stroller! It's great to see her looking more like a little girl and not a baby. Wish I could have been there to pick pumpkins! We are in the midst of spring here and I am loving the warm day times!

Unknown said...

Fun! Fun!